Brigitte36x36, digital, 2015.jpg | Yolande36x36, digital, 2015 | Will & Jada36x36, digital, 2015 |
Craig36x36, digital, 2015 | Sam36x36, digital, 2015 | Barbara36x36, digital, 2015 |
Brett36x36, digital, 2015 | Selfie36x36, digital, 2015 |
My “Inkfluential” series of digital paintings culminated into a body of work from a visual distillation process that started unconsciously. It became a conscious operation when I began to review a catalog of inked illustrations that I produced over a sixteen year period for The Adventures of Bibi and Friends. The Adventures of Bibi and Friends is a comic book based on a cast fictional characters that interact with, real people at real places. The main character Bibi, a PR, marketing and hotshot event specialist, keeps an intriguing social agenda and her clients are the actual influential elite of Miami Beach society.
While inking images at the light table I noticed when I closed my eyes, an inverted a photo negative-like ghost image would appear. If I kept my eyes closed in continued to focus the image it would appear to vibrate and shift around in fluid movements. The Inkfluential series is an attempt at reproducing these ghost images that I see in my mind.